We focus on your needs in process safety
We provide support to your processes in the field of process safety with our internationally competent consultants in process safety management, process hazard analysis, critical equipment management, explosion protection, and process safety training.

Proses Safety Management
Process Safety Management is a set of systematic analytical methods used to control hazardous chemicals. Process Safety Management practices not only help factories manage process safety risks, but also contribute to productivity increase and business optimization.

Process Hazard Analysis
Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) is defined as the whole of systematic and organized studies to identify potential hazards in industrial processes. We perform process hazard analysis as a team with our project partners.

Reliability Centered Maintenance
Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) is an approach that helps create a safe and cost-effective maintenance program by focusing on the consequences of equipment and instrument failures from both safety and operational perspectives.

Explosion Protection
Basic Questions of Explosion Protection:
Is ex-proof equipment required?
Does my Ex-proof equipment still retain its Ex-proof feature?
How much investment do I need? What should be the optimum cost?

Safety Report Studies
Major Accident Prevention Policy Document, Safety Report and Internal Emergency Plan studies to be prepared by lower and higher level institutions in accordance with the "Regulation on Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and Reducing Their Effects".

Process Safety Trainings
ProSCon Mühendislik eğitimleri açık katılımlı ve işletmeye özel "in-house" olmak üzere iki biçimde düzenlenmektedir. Tüm eğitimler uygulamalı çalıştaylar ile maksimum eğitim verimine yönelik tasarlanmaktadır.
Proses Safety Management
Process Safety Management practices not only help factories manage process safety risks, but also contribute to productivity increase and business optimization.
Process Hazard Analysis
Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) is defined as the whole of systematic and organized studies to identify potential hazards in industrial processes.
Reliability Centered Maintenance
Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) is an approach that helps create a safe and cost-effective maintenance program by focusing on the consequences of equipment and instrument failures from both safety and operational perspectives.
Explosion Protection
Key Questions of Explosion Protection: Is Ex-proof equipment necessary? Does my Ex-proof equipment still retain its Ex-proof feature? How much investment do I need? What should be the optimum cost?
Safety Report Studies
We provide guidance on the preparation of Major Accident Prevention Policy Document, Safety Report, and Internal Emergency Response Plan, as required by the "Regulation on Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and Reduction of Their Effects."
Process Safety Trainings
ProSCon Engineering training programs are organized in two formats: open enrollment and in-house, tailored specifically for businesses. Tüm eğitimler uygulamalı çalıştaylar ile maksimum eğitim verimine yönelik tasarlanmaktadır.
Process Hazard Analysis, ATEX, GAP Analysis, LOPA, Explosion Protection Document, HAZOP and more trainings…
Board Games that Enhance Process Safety Awareness, Software Solutions that Facilitate Process Safety Management, Books that Serve as a Guide to Process Safety in Your Company