Why should attend ?
- To understand the Asset Management for Process and Oil and Gas Industry
- To understand the Asset Management concept for high performance achievement.
- To understand the concept of PAS 55 and ISO 55000 standards.
- To understand the importance of Reliability, Maintenance and Asset Integirty programs as part of the asset management.
- To understand the asset performance index in different organizational levels.
- To understand the asset management, audit and evaluation process based on ISO 55000 standard.
- To understand the FRACAS concept as basic of data collection and failures assessment.
- To understand and apply the Reliability 4.0 concepts to automatic prediction.
- To understand the preventive actions risk evaluation to prioritize the most important actions.
- To understand the maintenance Management and steps such as Maintenance plan and maintenance work order concept
- To understand the routine management as part of asset management
- To implement asset management and asset integrity
Who should attend ?
- Maintenance Managers
- Maintenance Engineers
- Asset Managers
- Reliability Managers
- Reliability Engineers

Module 1: Introduction
Module 2: Asset Management concept
Module 3: Concept of PAS 55 and ISO 55000
Module 4: Asset Performance KPI´s
Module 5: Reliability & Maintenance Engineering program
Module 6: Asset Integrity Management Program
Module 7: Prognostic Health Management (ARULE)
Module 8: Maintenance Management (Aladdin Software)
Module 9: Asset Management Process
Module 10: FRACAS and Reliability 4.0
Module 11: Operational Risk Assessment.
Module 12: Inspection, PM, CM and WO register
Module 13: Routine management for Asset Management.
Module 14: Lessons learned, Team Management and Leadership
Module 15: Asset mangement Electronic reports
Module 16: Asset Managemeent Audit
Module 17: Asset Management Cases (Integrity PRO)
The best seller book will be deliver for all participants with payment confirmation.
Dr. Eduardo Calixto, CRP, CFSE
He’s Reliability and Safety Expert with over 18 years experiences in Oil & Gas, Railway, Aerospace and Mining Industries. He has doctoral degree in Energy and Environmental, Master in Safety System Management, Bachelor in Industrial Engineering. Author of the best seller book Gas and Oil Reliability Engineering: Modeling and analysis (material content of this training)
Nearest Airport (5,5 km to event)
Visit Sabiha Gokcen Airport (SAW) website
Hotel Information
Transportation Information
Estimated Taxi fare from airport (SAW) to Hotel: 5 EUR
Crowne Plaza İstanbul - Asia
21 – 22 November 2019
Hurry Up! Just 15 Seats.
Training Course Conditions
Registration confirmation: The registration confirmation will be sent to the attendee once they pay the invoice within 48h after receiving the invoice document from ProSCon.
Travel & Accommodations: Attendees are responsible for their own travel arrangements and hotel reservations. Hotel information given below.
Substitutions: Substitutions are allowed provided that ProSCon is notified prior to the training dates.
Cancellations: Cancellations received up to 20 working days prior to the event start date will be entitled to a refund of the registration fee. After this period, all cancellations will be subject to the entire fee.
No Shows: Registrants who do not attend the event and who do not notify ProSCon prior to the start date will be subject to the full registration fee and will not have the ability to transfer the registration.
Event Cancellation: Although unlikely, ProSCon reserves the right to cancel an event at any time up to 2 weeks prior to the start date at ProSCon’s discretion, or at any time prior to or during the course due to circumstances outside ProSCon´s control (including
natural disaster, etc.). If this occurs, you will automatically be transferred to the next upcoming event. If transfer is not acceptable, registration fees will be refunded upon request. ProSCon is not responsible for any other costs that you may incur, including non-refundable airline tickets.
Video/Photograph Disclaimer: By registering for this event, you recognize that the ProSCon and its affiliates might occasionally take photos or video footage of the event. In case of disagreement please advise to the trainer during the course.
Computer Need: Please plan to bring your own laptop; your registration confirmation will include instructions to prepare it with the software that will be needed.
Language of Training: English
Training Fee Includes: Lectures provided by our experienced pool of instructors, lecture notes, best seller “Gas and Oil Reliability Engineering” book by Dr. Eduardo Calixto and other course handouts, evaluation copies of software and refreshments during the course. A certificate of attendance will be provided. Also, lunch and coffee breaks are included at training days.
Group (3+ attendies) – Early Registration (until 31 August 2019): 1.099 EUR/person
Individual – Early Registration (until 31 August 2019): 1.199 EUR/person
Group (3+ attendies) – Registration: 1.399 EUR/person
Individual – Registration: 1.499 EUR/person
Contact & Registration
Phone: +90 312 485 70 01
e-mail: info@proscon.com.tr